Teh Corporation
Teh Corporation employs a dedicated team of professionals who can cater for all your IT related needs.
We specialize in all areas of information/internet technologies to provide you with a service compare to no others.
Our team consists of highly trained sales consultants and administrative staff with qualifications and knowledge of the ever-changing and diverse IT world.
Teh corporation thrives on getting the job done quickly, efficiently, within budget and before deadlines. There is no problem too big and no job too small !
Our goal is to offer you with on-going customer support and commitment to each and every project.
We rate customer satisfaction as a top priority in our company and will ensure all our clients are happy at all times.
As we understand the importance of flexibility and time, enquiries are more than welcomed after hours and on weekends to meet the needs of anyone, anywhere, anytime.
Call us for an obligation free quote and we will be more than glad to assist.